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Bull Breed
Training & 

Our Mission:

To empower Bull Breed owners to develop and sustain beautiful relationships with their dogs. We support owners long-term, through increasing their skills and knowledge, enabling them to raise and train their Bull Breeds with the life skills needed to thrive in society, whilst encouraging the expression of natural drives.

Bull Breed in forest wearing bright muzzle

Bethany, Libbi and Hannah are Dog Trainers and Behaviourists who are addicted to Bull Breeds. 

We live our lives with them, train them, support owners and are doing everything we can to create something special for Bull Breeds and their families. 

Explore to find out more about us and what exciting things there are for you to get involved in, such as Bull Breed Club - the REVOLUTIONARY training app for bull breed owners!


Find out more about our  Bull Breed Behaviourists and how we can support you and your Bull Breed.

The Revolutionary Training app to help Bull Breed owners worldwide!

We are constantly developing our services to include new webinars and events! Find out what's happening.

GRC Dog Sports Club based in Dorset. ​ GRC stands for Gameness, Relationship and Control and is incredibly fulfilling for bull breeds!

Our established group for XL Bullys is a great way to stay connected with other XL Bully owners and ask questions or show off your training!

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